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Charles Isaacs Photographs Inc
Selected Images by Captain Linnaeus Tripe

![No. 22. Pugahm Myo [Pagan]. Flat Arch in Damayangyee Pagoda. [Dhamma-yan-gyi]](/Photos/thumb/w2022_h.jpg)
![No. 35. Tsaing Myo [Sagaing]. Kowa-doung Pagoda](/Photos/thumb/w2035_h.jpg)

![No. 53. Amerapoora. Nagayoung Pagoda. [Naga-yon temple]](/Photos/thumb/w2053_h.jpg)

![No. 89. Amerapoora. A doorway of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung]](/Photos/thumb/w2089_h.jpg)
![No. 9. Ye-nan-gyoung [Yenangyaung]. Balcony of a Kyoung](/Photos/thumb/w2009_h.jpg)
![No. 90. Amerapoora. Front of the West part of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung]](/Photos/thumb/w2090_h.jpg)
![No. 91. Amerapoora. Balcony of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung]](/Photos/thumb/w2091_h.jpg)

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 114. Rangoon. The Votive Tree 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 13-1/16 x 10-1/16 in. (332 x 256 mm), on original mount with printed title., A votive tree festooned with prayer pennants at Rangoon in Burma. Tripe wrote of this image probably taken in the precincts of the Shwe Dagon Pagoda, 'Offerings of muslin are suspended from this in honor of Gautama; some even have prayers written on them in the idea that every breeze would waft their petitions to Gautama'. w2114.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 118. Rangoon. Natural Bridge 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 9-7/8 x 13-1/16 in. (252 x 333 mm), on original mount with printed title. w2118.
![No. 22. Pugahm Myo [Pagan]. Flat Arch in Damayangyee Pagoda. [Dhamma-yan-gyi]](/Photos/full/w2022_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 22. Pugahm Myo [Pagan]. Flat Arch in Damayangyee Pagoda. [Dhamma-yan-gyi] 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 10-9/16 x 13-3/8 in. (270 x 341 mm), on original mount with printed title., An arch of the Dhamma-yan-gyi temple in the Pagan (Bagan) region of Burma. Capital of the first kingdom of Burma from the 11th to the 14th century, Pagan is one of the most important archaeological sites in South East Asia, with the remains of over 2000 stupas, temples and monasteries scattered over a 30 km radius. Noted for its fine brickwork, the powerful shape of this massive temple is one of the most enigmatic in Pagan. w2022.
![No. 35. Tsaing Myo [Sagaing]. Kowa-doung Pagoda](/Photos/full/w2035_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 35. Tsaing Myo [Sagaing]. Kowa-doung Pagoda 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 9-7/8 x 13-1/4 in. (252 x 338 mm), on original mount with printed title., Pagodas, with the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) visible in the background at Sagaing in Burma (Myanmar), The photographer wrote, 'The terrace, on which this stands, is one of three covered with Pagodas and Kyoungs. On the opposite of the Irrawadi is Ava; the river at this point is about 1100 yards broad'. w2035.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 37. Ava. Tower of the Palace 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 10-7/16 x 13-1/4 in. (266 x 337 mm), on original mount with printed title., A watchtower at Ava (Inwa) in Burma. Much of Ava including the 19th century palace of King Bagyidaw at its centre was destroyed in a disastrous earthquake in 1838. The Nanmyin is all that remains of the palace although the upper part of this 30 m high masonry tower was destroyed. The lower part leans to one side, earning it the nickname of 'the leaning tower of Ava'. w2037.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 46 Amerapoora. Colossal Statue of Gautama close to the N. end of the (wooden) bridge 1855, Lightly coated salt print from waxed paper negative, 9-15/16 x 13-1/2 in. (253 x 344 mm), on original mount., This print loaned to NGA/Met Tripe exhibition and is plate 18 in Captain Linnaeus Tripe Photographer of India and Burma, 1852-1860, National Gallery of Art, 2014. z1113.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 51. Amerapoora. Sekia Pagoda 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 9-13/16 x 13-9/16 in. (250 x 345 mm), on original mount with printed title., Tripe wrote of this temple, 'This is the resort of Astrologers, (Brahmins, natives of India, or Manipore) who sit on the ground under the spacious colonnades of the Pagoda with mysterious looking scrolls and diagrams before them, quite ready to reward liberality after their own fashion'. w2051.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 52. Amerapoora. Mosque 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 13-1/2 x 10-11/16 in. (343 x 273 mm), on original mount with printed title., A view looking towards the ornately embellished minaret of a mosque at Amarapura in Burma. Tripe wrote of this mosque,'This is in China Street. There are some thousands of Mahomedans and numbers of Mosques in and about Amerapoora. The architecture of the latter partakes much of the Burmese element'. w2052.
![No. 53. Amerapoora. Nagayoung Pagoda. [Naga-yon temple]](/Photos/full/w2053_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 53. Amerapoora. Nagayoung Pagoda. [Naga-yon temple] 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 12-11/16 x 10-3/8 in. (323 x 265 mm), on original mount with printed title., The Nagayon temple at Amarapura in Burma (Myanmar). Tripe wrote of this temple, 'This symbolises a legend in the history of Gautama, when he was sheltered by a dragon in its folds'. The large 'naga' or serpent, which gives the unusual early 19th century Nagayon its name, looms protectively up over the shrine which shelters the main image of the Buddha. w2053.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 54. Amerapoora. Bodan Pagoda 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 9-15/16 x 13-11/16 in. (253 x 348 mm), on original mount with printed title., The Patodawgyi temple at Amarapura in Burma. One of the best-known pagodas of the city is the Patodawgyi, sited just outside the old city wall to the south. It was built by King Bagyidaw in 1820, shortly before he shifted the capital back to Ava. w2054.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 56. Amerapoora. View on the Lake 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 8-3/4 x 13-11/16 in. (224 x 348 mm), on original mount with printed title., A general view looking across Taungthaman Lake to the city of Amarapura in Burma\ Amarapura was designed upon a square mandala, or diagram illustrating cosmological ideas. Each of the twelve city gates, three along each wall, was surmounted by a Burmese style pavilion known as a pyat-that. w2056.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 71. Amerapoora. A street leading to the Palace 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 10 x 13-5/8 in. (254 x 347 mm), on original mount with printed title., Tripe wrote of this view looking along a street lined with single-storied thatched houses towards the pyat-that or tiered platform of the palace in the distance, 'The Ooh-nein gate leads into this street. The Palace is the centre of the city, and the streets leading from the central gate of each face converge on it'. w2071.
![No. 89. Amerapoora. A doorway of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung]](/Photos/full/w2089_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 89. Amerapoora. A doorway of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung] 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 13-7/16 x 10 in. (342 x 255 mm), on original mount with printed title., Taken at Amarapura in Burma, with a view of the richly-carved doorway of a kyaung (monastery). Tripe wrote of this monastery, 'The door itself is scarcely more than five and a half feet high'. w2089.
![No. 9. Ye-nan-gyoung [Yenangyaung]. Balcony of a Kyoung](/Photos/full/w2009_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 9. Ye-nan-gyoung [Yenangyaung]. Balcony of a Kyoung 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 10-1/8 x 13-1/16 in. (258 x 333 mm), on original mount with printed title., Tripe declared the wood-carving on the balcony of the monastery, 'Quite Burmese in its grotesqueness'. Yenangyaung is a town in west-central Myanmar on the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy), long the centre of the most productive oil-fields in the country. w2009.
![No. 90. Amerapoora. Front of the West part of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung]](/Photos/full/w2090_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 90. Amerapoora. Front of the West part of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung] 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 13-9/16 x 10-11/16 in. (346 x 273 mm), on original mount with printed title., The splendid carved-wood facade of a kyaung (monastery) at Amarapura in Burma (Myanmar). w2090.
![No. 91. Amerapoora. Balcony of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung]](/Photos/full/w2091_h.jpg)
Captain Linnaeus Tripe: No. 91. Amerapoora. Balcony of Kyoung No. 86 [Maha-too-lo-Bounghian Kyoung] 1855, Lightly albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, signed in ink, 10-1/2 x 13-5/8 in. (268 x 347 mm), on original mount with printed title., The balcony of a kyaung (monastery) at Amarapura in Burma. Wood-carving is a living tradition in Burma, wood-carvers are supremely skilled in translating motifs from a treasury of legends and floral patterns into different types of woods. w2091.

Captain Linnaeus Tripe: View of the Country Looking N.N.W. from the Top of the Ryakotta Hill 1858, Albumenized salt print from waxed paper negative, 10-1/4 x 14 in. (260 x 356 mm), on original mount., Plate from "Photographic Views of Ryakotta and Other Places in the Salem District." Provenance: ex-collection of the eighth Earl of Elgin. December 1857-January 1858. This print illustrated: Taylor, Impressed by Light, NGA, Metropolitan, and Yale, 2007, plate 114. September-October 1855. Also, plate 35 in Captain Linnaeus Tripe: Photographer of India and Burma, 1852-1860, National Gallery of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2014. N1149.
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